Saturday’s Apartment /토요일다세대주택
South Korea / Color / 7' / 2018
Five families live under one roof in a block of flats, where the thin walls are leading to more and more quarrels. Is peaceful coexistence possible?
Seungbae Jeon
He was born in 1979 in Chung Nam, South Korea. In 2009 he graduated from Chung - Ang University of Advance Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film. He is working at Toyville Animation Studio as an Animation Director.
Cast & Crew
- direction: Seungbae Jeon
- Screenplay: Seungbae Jeon
- Cinematography: Seungbae Jeon, Insuk K ang
- Editing: Seungbae Jeon
- music: Yeryun J ung
- Sound Design: Soohyun K im
- producer:: Seungbae Jeon
- original language: No Dialogue
- The time of two boys (2015)
- See you later (2014)
- What’s wrong? (2008)