- A First Farewell, Wang Lina, China 2018, 86’ (7+)
- Romy’s Salon, Mischa Kamp, Netherlands | Germany 2019, 90’ (9+)
- Bulbul Can Sing, Rima Das, India 2018, 95’ (14+)
- Daniel, Marine Atlan, France 2018, 57’ (10+)
- Here my village, Abas Aram, Iran 2019, 83’ (7+)
- The Wayang Kids, Raymond Tan, Sigapore 2018, 87’ (7+)
- Scent of oranges, Ivan Pokorny, Czech Republic | Germany | Slovak Republic 2019, 92’ (12+)
- My grandpa is an alien, Drazen Zarkovic & Marina Andree Skop, Croatia | Slovenia | Czech Republic | Slovakia | Norway | Bosnia –Herzegovina 2018, 75’ (9+)
- Rocca changes the world, Katja Benrath, Germany 2019, 100’ (6+)
- On the Edge, Aldiyar Bairakimov, Kazakhstan 2018, 62’ (14+)
- Second life, Park Young – Ju, South Korea 2019, 70’ (14+)
- Fig tree, Aalam Warge Davidian, Israel | Ethiopia | Germany | France 2018, 93’ (12+)
Film details and screening times are available at the Program page