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The Onion boy

    The Onion boy / Cipollino

    USSR / Color / 39' / 1961

    The kingdom of fruit and vegetables is ruled by the bitter and unlikeable Prince Lemon. There also lives Cipollino, the Onion Boy, a clever and mischievous little boy who cannot tolerate injustice. The conflict between Cipollino and Prince Lemon is inevitable. It is time for the inhabitants of the kingdom to be rid of the tyrannic regime imposed by the prince and his two praetorians, Lord Tomato and Countess Cherry.

    Boris Petrovich Dezhkin

    Cast & Crew

    • direction: Boris Petrovich Dezhkin
    • Screenplay: Mstislav Paschenko
    • music: Karen Khachturyan
    • Film Cast: Nina Gulyaeva, Erast Garin, Sergey Martinson, Grigoriy Shpigel, Irina Pototskaya