Μαντουλού, ο θαλασσόλυκος

Madulu, The Seaman

Άγιος Βικέντιος και Γρεναδίνες / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 23′, 2022

age recommendation: 11+

A youngster begins to understand the wisdom hidden within legendary whaler-man Tall 12's sea shanty songs in the whaling town of Barrouallie, St. Vincent, a place where men still wrestle with the creatures of the deep for survival. Against a backdrop of cruise-ship tourism and economic colonialism, this lyrical documentary discovers a surprising renewal of interest and hunger to preserve local traditions and cultural knowledge through new interpretations.

Akley Olton

He is an award-winning filmmaker, visual artist, and creative consultant with over 10 years of experience in directing and producing high-quality film, audiovisual, and multimedia content for diverse clients and audiences. He has a strong visual aesthetic and technical expertise, as well as a passion for telling stories that promote environmental preservation, indigenous rights, racial justice, and the revaluation of history. He is seeking to leverage his skills and experience in a challenging and creative role in the film industry.

Cast & Crew

  • direction: Akley Olton
  • screenplay: Akley Olton
  • cinematography: Laura Sanz
  • editing: Akley Olton
  • music: George “Tall12” Fredericks
  • sound: Victoria Mercedes
  • cast: Amari Fredericks, George Fredericks
  • producer: Akley Olton
  • production company: Island Rebel Media
  • original language: Αγγλικά / English


  • Vincy Spree (2022)
  • Crafting Our Indigenous Culture (2021)
  • Help the Climate Change (2019)
  • Black Doll (2018)
  • Volver a Ella (2015)
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